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27 Sep - 17 Oct 2012 (21-days) Pakistan to China Old Silk Route (Lahore, Islamabad, Hunza Valley, Khunerab Pass, Kashgar, Hotan, Taklamakan Desert, Turpan, Tianchi Lake & Urumqi)
Cost will be updated in due course.

Update 4 Aug 11 Several members have asked us to restart this trip which was temporarily halted because of the troubles in Pakistan. The itinerary is based on transit via Kunming but we may fly out via Beijing or Chengdu depending on flight cost and availability. Have a read on a well written and informative Oct 2006 trip contributed Ooi Chwee Hoon, a five time Yonger.

This is meant to be a "free and easy" adventure trip. Participants should be relatively fit, with a good sense of humour, and above all, have the right attitude for close travel with others through possibly some trying times. Most definitely, this is not a trip for prudes, whiners, fuss-pots, and other similiarly assorted types! We had a couple of those before and it wasn't pleasant for us or them. Although every effort will be made to stick to the given itinerary, ground conditions may change and cause some disruption and/or deviation from the norm. Otherwise, have fun!

Karakoram Pass at the border / Tianchin Lake

The trip covers Pakistan & China Silkroad areas. The highlights of the trip are the great mountain sceneries of the Himalayas, the highest highway in the world The Karakoram Highway, the Kashgar Sunday Market, Taklamakan Desert and Lake Tianchi.

This trip involves some long journeys which will tax one's tolerance and endurance. But its the majestic scenery and cultural diversity that one experiences along the route makes it all worthwhile.

View from Karimabad Hotel / Nanga Prabat 8th highest in the world

Day 1 Thu Lahore: We fly to Lahore with a transit stop in Bangkok. Overnight (ON) Lahore.
Day 2: Rawalpindi: After breakfast we visit UNESCO listed Lahore Fort and the Badshahi Mosque with a walkabout in the Old City Bazaar with its narrow streets and interesting shops. Enroute to Rawalpindi, we stop at Khewra Salt Mines, the second largest mine deposits in the world. ON Rawalpindi.
Day 3: Taxila Buddhist Centre then Besham: We visit yet another UNESCO listed site at Taxila, once a sprawling center for Buddhism. Here we view Greek gods like Atlas proping up Lord Buddha with strong Greek features. Then its off to Besham 270 kms 6hrs, a midway stop between Islamabad and Gilgit. ON Besham.
Day 4 Gilgit: There are virtually thousands of Buddhist incriptions and rock carvings on the way to Gilgit 370 kms 9 hrs. This is a scenic long journey and stops to view the Nanga Parbat, Chilas/Shatial rock carvings, Indus Rivers among others. Buddhism did not exist in China when this area was a centre for Buddhism. ON Gilgit.
Day 5 Karimabad: In the morning we visit Gilgit's bustling market and after lunch, proceed on to Karimabad 98km 3hr. We walk to the Unesco Baltit Fort, the residence of the former Hunza Kings. This scenic spot has great views of the valley and Karimabad town. A water channel walk leading up to Ultar Glacier lies just behind the Fort. ON Karimabad.
Day 6 Nagar Valley & Hoper Glacier:
This whole day trip is a popular activity for visitors. We squeeze into small jeeps and travel along narrow dirt roads to the village of Nagar 3hrs. This mountain village is richly cultivated and is the base for a trek "down" to Hoper Glacier. We return to Karimabad for the night.
Day 7 Gulmit:
The pretty little village of Gulmit 52km 1hr is our next stop. We visit the hanging bridge in Hussaini as well the viewpoint of the famed Passu Catherals, which are a range of many high jagged peaks. ON Gulmit.
Day 8 Borit Lake/Ghulkin: In the morning we wander about the village visiting the schools. In the afternoon, we visit Borit Lake, a pretty alpine lake. Then we go on to remote Ghulkin village. ON Gulmit.

Suspension bridge Hunza Valley / Tianchi Lakeside Yurts

Day 9 Top of the Karakoram Highway: We start early to border town Sost. After the formalities, we cross into China via the Khunjerab Pass at 4730m, is the highest highway in the world. There will be a long stop here to enjoy the views. Later we head down onto the Pamir Plateau to the Chinese town of Tashkurgan.
Day 11 Finally, Kashgar: The journey to Kashgar passes through quaint villages with its rows of poplar trees and donkey carts, which are the main form of local transport of people and goods. The diversity of people is a delight. Included would be a stopover at the Karakul Lake. We should arrive by late afternoon leaving us time to walk about the town.
Day 11 Sunday Kashgar: We take a donkey cart to the famous Sunday Market, then the Abakh Hoja Tomb aka the Fragrant Concubine's Tomb outside of Kashgar with a detour to visit the homes of local Uigurs. Other sights visited in Kashgar include the Id Kah Mosque and its adjoining bazaar. Those in the group who have higher energy levels can also visit other Muslim tombs. ON Kashgar.
Day 12 Hotan:
On the way to Hotan 520 km 8 hrs, we stop at Yensigar, where the best knives in Xinjiang are made. Once again, we pass numerous small villages with the typical donkey carts and poplar-lined streets. ON Hotan.
Day 13 Minfeng: In the morning we tour Hotan which produces the finest carpets in China. Their carpets once adorned the Imperial Palace in Beijing. We visit the government-run carpet and silk weaving factories. Then its a short 290 kms 4 hrs hop to the small town of Minfeng for our overnight stop.
Day 14 Cross the Taklamakan Desert: An early start for this long journey beginning with a 530 kms 6 hrs on the new arrow-straight Desert Highway cross the second biggest desert in China after the Gobi. The scenery is breath-taking with its vast ares of dunes. Once we cross over, we head towards Korla. ON Korla.
Day 15 Turpan: We spend the morning browsing the local wet market in Korla. The fragrant pears here are famous in China and we also sample the various local food. We then leave for Turpan 510 kms 7 hrs. ON Turpan.
Day 16 Turpan: This town is China's grape capital and also an important town on the old Silk Route. We do the standard tour of the grape valley, Karez wells, Gaochang Ancient City and Flaming mountains. At night, we eat at the extensive stalls in the town square. ON Turpan.

Kashgar animal market / Desert Dunes Taklamakan Desert

Day 17 Lake Tianchi: We make our way to the beautiful Lake Tianchi, dubbed the Switzerland of China. We should arrive just after lunch when we can do some short walks in the vicinity. We stay in Kazakh tents at the Lakeside. (Note that these are local normadic residence and sleeping/eating arrangements are very basic. But there are warm and supplied with thick blankets. Yurts sleeps up to 10 pax. View are great though).
Day 18 Horse trekking:
This full day activity is recommended and the ride takes us among pine covered hills and mountain streams. For those fitter, they can trek further up to the snowfields. We return to our yurts in the evening.
Day19 Urumqi: After breakfast, we head towards Urumqi, the provincial capital of Xinjaing. We'll visit the ethnic Erdaoqiao Market, very popular with tourist and the adjoining modern with a "Carrefour."
Day 20: Fly Kunming: We fly URC/Kunming 0920/1445hr and have the rest of the day free in Kunming. ON Kunming.
Day 21: Home: We have the morning free in Kunming. Then we fly KMG/BKK 1520/1630 then connect to BKK/KUL 1920/2230.

Horse trekking in Tianchi mountains


  1. Cost cover airfares accomodation and travelling.
  2. Accomodation will be in budget hotels and guesthouses.
  3. Airport transfers and inter-town travel by chartered bus is covered.
  4. Not covered are Visa fees, airport taxes/security taxes/fuel surcharge and meals except for Tianchi Lake, in-town taxis, jeep hire for Nagar Valley, entrance fees to museum and other attractions, bicycle rental and full-day horse trekking in Tianchi.
  5. Simple meals are provided in Yurt stay in Tianchi Lake.
  6. A deposit of Rm1090 is payable to confirm your place once we have the min participants.
  7. Cost is subject to change if there's a significant changes in foreign exchange rates and airfares.

Email: yongo@streamyx.com or rachelheng123@gmail.com
Phone Yong Lee Min: 016-220 9033 or 603-4023 8210
Phone Rachel Heng 012 352 0868
Mail: 19 Lorong Air Bersih Tiga, Air Panas, 53200 Kuala Lumpur

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